Dec 31 2024 59 mins
Of Poetry is hosted by Han VanderHart, author of Larks (Ohio UP, 2025).
Read: "Space Age" in Menagerie Magazine
Purchase: The Alcestis Machine (Acre Books, 2024)
Carolyn Oliver is the author of The Alcestis Machine (Acre Books, 2024), Inside the Storm I Want to Touch the Tremble (University of Utah Press, 2022; selected for the Agha Shahid Ali Prize), and three chapbooks. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in TriQuarterly, Image, Copper Nickel, Poetry Daily, Moist Poetry Journal, Consequence, and elsewhere. Born in Buffalo and raised in Ohio, she now lives in Massachusetts.
Recommended Reading:
The Naomi Letters by Rachel Mennies
frank: sonnets by Diane Seuss
Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis
Orlando: A Biography by Virginia Woolf
Metropolis (1927) film, Directed Fritz Lang
"Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint" by John Milton
Order and Disorder by Lucy Hutchinson
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin