Oct 21 2024 15 mins 1
Every year, when New Moon occurs in Libra, Sun’s debilitation place and zodiacal heart chakra, we celebrate Diwali, a festival of light, to bring illumination into our homes and into our hearts; to remind ourselves of our inner light, when the external light of the Sun is temporarily dormant.
This year Moon and Sun will conjoin in Swati nakshatra on 1 November (New Moon tithi will already begin on 31 October). Both luminaries will be aspected by the debilitated Mars. With two fiery planets occupying their place of debilitation, we may experience big fluctuations in our energy levels and increased need to turn within. At the same time, both Sun and Moon will be conjuct in the amsha of Goddess Lalita in the D20 (Vimshamsha) chart of spiritual progress, thus inspiring us not to always take life so seriously, but to invite more curiosity, play, connection and creativity in order to restore our enthusiasm and energy levels.
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