Feb 28 2024 82 mins
The latest episode of Talking Cod features our good friend Will Edge, a trustee and facilitator at Mentell, a men's mental health charity.
We'd originally asked Will to come on to tell us about the charity's work and how he'd first come across the organisation, but then things went strangely quiet.
It turns out he'd had a scary accident whilst Wakeboarding in North Wales with his daughter, only to find out after an MRI scan that he'd got a tumour the size of a peach growing on his brain.
It's an incredible story. Had the accident not happened, the tumour might not have been diagnosed for another six years. And had Will not connected with Mentell in the years before the accident, he wouldn't have had the mental preparedness to deal with the trauma.
To find out more about Mentell, head over to their website at https://www.mentell.org.uk/, find them on Facebook, follow them on Instagram (@mentellcharity)
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