Feb 02 2025 103 mins
On this episode AVB sits down with David Lachmish, co-founder of IKA (previously Dwallet Network).
IKA is the fastest parallel MPC network launching on Sui.
I really enjoyed this conversation as it has a really natural flow, covering, among many things:
* How adversity creates excellence and comfort breeds mediocrity. Why everyone should spend at least one year living in a culture different from where they grew up in.
* An analysis of the current web3 landscape - why web3 is fundamentally a cybersecurity industry.
* The work of his cracked team of award winning cryptographers and security researchers.
* Back to the basics: the fundamental guarantees of blockchain and how public key cryptography works.
* A masterclass in MPC networks - how they have evolved, different ways of implementing (ZK, FHE) for different use cases.
* IKA novel algorithm for zero trust, mass implementation.
* Use cases for IKA builders
* And a lot more!
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