Jun 03 2023 66 mins 1
Questions from the Q&A during this session include the following:
- Do you have any church recommendations in Tuscon?
- How far away is Mark Driscoll from you, and how much influence does he have in your area?
- Could you explain briefly what the "Apostololic Word" is?
- Do you see any decline in the Prosperity Gospel's influence at all?
- Has your uncle's ministry declined because he's getting older, or because a new generation has come in and doing newer, more modern things?
- What kind of money comes into a crusade when you were working with your uncle?
- In terms of money that comes in, is it large donations by celebrities or high-profile individuals, or smaller donations by the average person?
- As a cessationist, how do you support a phrase like "Clear-thinking charismatic?" How does one not negate the other?
- Is there any correlation fo the prosperity gospel movement and the correlation between the Jewish nation and the structure of giving financially to support the priesthood?
- Is the YouVersion Bible App bad?
- Luke 18:42 - Does faith heal?
- Can you talk about the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit?" Why do Pentecostals talk about this?
- Mark 9:38-41 - is a common argument against calling out false teachers. What do you say?
- In your opinion, is it ok to stay in a church if a handful of people within the church are hyper-charismatic?
- How might I approach communicating with friends who have left the truth behind and gone to Bethel School of Ministry?
- What did the process of grief look like when you were dealing with the loss of community with your family and loved ones?
- How do you personally teach rightly about "conviction" and "illumination" while at the same time rejecting "God told me."
- Do you think most of these prosperity preachers genuinely believe what they preach, or are they doing it just for the money?
- Have you seen any fabricated healings at any of these events?
- In all your time in that movement, did you ever see any legitimate healings or miracles?
- What other "faith teachers" have you met?
- Do you know of anybody else that is like you that has come out of that movement and is now saved and sound in doctrine?
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