In this week’s Torah portion, we are drawn into the profound journey of Jacob as he returns to the land of Israel. God reaffirms His covenant, promising the land to Jacob and his descendants, a legacy that began with the patriarchs. Amidst the beauty of this journey, we encounter deep sorrow as Rachel, Jacob’s beloved wife, faces a tragic labor that ultimately takes her life. In her final moments, she names her newborn son Ben Oni, "son of my affliction," reflecting her pain, yet Jacob renames him Benjamin, "son of my right hand," symbolizing hope and resilience. This poignant narrative not only highlights the fragility of life but also showcases the complexities of family dynamics, especially as Reuben grapples with his identity following Rachel’s death. As we reflect on these themes of love, loss, and legacy, we find ourselves inspired by the enduring spirit of these characters in their trials and triumphs.