Oct 17 2024 35 mins 2
The Uncultured Saints tackle two controversial sections of Mark 10:1-16. 📖
1️⃣ First, Jesus battles with the Pharisees (of course 😒), and then, he admonishes his disciples (sigh 😤).
The Pharisees put Jesus to the test about divorce by asking, “Is it lawful?” 🤔
We like to ask questions such as, “Is it a sin if I do this or if I do that?” 🤷♀️🤷♂️
BUT, that is the wrong question. ❌
Whenever we ask the wrong question, it's almost always a law question that needs a gospel answer. ✨
If you ask a law question, you're going to get a law answer. 📜
If you ask a gospel question, you're going to get a gospel answer. 🙏
We’re asking: How can I NOT get in trouble for this? 😬 Rather than: Where can I find some comfort and mercy for this?” 💞
In marriage, the two are one flesh, which means even if divorce is justified, it’s going to hurt if you rip it in half. 💔
Divorce teaches us that sin breaks stuff.⚡
In trying to downplay our sin, we try to appeal to the loopholes that won’t make it a sin. 🔄
We aren’t actually letting the law be as damning as the law really is. ⚖️
Divorce is especially egregious, and it arguably hurts like nothing else. 😢
The question is not whether you can be divorced, a Christian and forgiven on the other side of it — you are going to need mercy, forgiveness, and the gospel. 💫✝️
The question is: Is it a good thing or a bad thing? 🤷 This is the point Jesus is trying to make.
2️⃣ Next, the disciples try to discourage children from bothering Jesus. 🚸 This makes Jesus angry. 😡
Children are meant to receive Jesus 👧👦
Jesus thinks little kids are a good thing. So let's not despise them. 🌟
Yes, they can be a burden and a sacrifice, but that’s what love is — sacrificing yourself for someone else. ❤️
However, it’s important to not become legalistic about it — you’re not a better Christian if you have more kids. 🚫👶
In both situations, we learn that marriage and children are a good gift from God. 🎁 Let's do our best to protect them. 🤗
Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.
Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.
#higherthings #lcms #lutheran #divorce #children #jesus