Dec 29 2021 41 mins 7
Film critic Clarisse Loughrey and film programmer Anna Bogutskaya, American Horror Story super-fans, discuss and dissect every episode of AHS, from the very beginning.
In this episode, Liz and Tristan fall in love, and the Countess' only weakness is revealed.
Digressions include: the crying-laughing emoji, hot people dying.
Every week, we pick our favourite Quote of the Episode, Bomer Boner Award for Horniest Moment, MVP of the Episode and Insensitive Historical Reference of the Week.
We discuss the episode in detail, but will not spoil anything that lies ahead in this or future seasons of AHS.
→ Follow us on Twitter @nextsupremespod
→ Follow Clarisse on @clarisselou and Anna on @annabdemented