Jul 22 2022 15 mins
- It’s been a month since I’ve recorded, so I guess it's time to do it again!
- I’ve basically been gone for three weeks, so not a lot of big moves have been made over the past month
The Stair Step Approach to Bootstrapping
- Rob Walling, from the podcast startups for the rest of us has talked a lot about the stairstep approach to bootstrapping
- The idea is that you start with smaller products, likely several of them... launch them or buy and grow them and move to bigger things and bigger projects with time
Several things that I said I’d do from the last episode
- Launch something in August
- Likely a WP plugin, but possibly something else
- Two articles posted for WPSM
- One article posted
- Several ideas, need to start publishing articles somewhat regularly. Probably should make a schedule so I can stick to it.