Mar 18 2024 133 mins
Zahid is the founder of Jutsu. Jutsy is the co-pilot of web3 enabling and empowering developers to be 10x more efficient!
Some of the topics we cover on this wide ranging conversation:
1. Just origins: feeling the pain points at ETH Denver 2023 hackathon
2. Jutsu evolution: hackers using it and winning in the wild
3. Philosophical musings on AI: defining Agents, challenges for adoption and opportunities.
4. Core infrastructure of Consumer application? What are the differences and why it matters
5. Road to mass adoption: what web3 can learn from the web2 world
6. and more!
0:00 Ep 63 - Jutsu
01:39:13 Dev Rels & Presence at Conferences
01:42:47 Community
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