Apr 16 2023 91 mins
Don’t be late bud…and definitely don’t be “that guy”.
Just hop on in, kick up your Docs, and hang out as we break down all the goodies in Letterkenny Season 11, Episode 6 – Degens.
Auntie Awesome gloriously returns to grace us with her presence and knowledge of any and all things Letterkenny.
- Awesome’s stuff:
- Just let people like what they wanna like!
- I agree with Rosie that you can be a feminist without wearing it as your personality.
- What prompted the degens to start fuckin’ around again?
- Why did the hicks not go to the birthday party?
- Katy and Dary: Two sides of the same coin?
- The tropes!
- What was the reason for the dart dialogue?
- Jim Dickens as a romantic partner.
- Jivin’ Pete is just really insecure and would rather fight that work on himself.
In “Fuck-Fight-FERDA” it looks like we’re all making an appointment with the optometrist.
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