Jan 19 2025 119 mins 10
Matt Pegas is an author, podcaster and soon-to-be publisher. We talked about his books Dragon Day and The Black Album, about order from chaos, about being and becoming, about Alexander Dugin, about Ernst Junger, about the occult, about the importance of ritual, and much more.
Matt's Books:
Dragon Day: https://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Day-Matthew-Pegas-ebook/dp/B0967PF1JF
The Black Album: https://www.amazon.com/Black-Album-Matthew-Pegas-ebook/dp/B0CY8PNKG7
Matt's Podcasts:
Strange Flows (https://mattp969.substack.com/s/strange-flows-podcast)
New Write (w/ Dan Baltic)
New Ritual Press: https://x.com/newritualpress
Jack has published a novel called Tower!
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tower-Jack-BC-ebook/dp/B0CM5P9N9M/ref=monarch_sidesheet
The first nine chapters of Tower are available for free here: jackbc.substack.com
Our Patreon: www.patreon.com/TheBookClubfromHell
Jack's Substack: jackbc.substack.com
Levi's website: www.levioutloud.com
Join our Discord (the best place to interact with us): discord.gg/ZMtDJ9Hscr
Watch us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n7r1ZTpsUw5exoYxb4aKA/featured
X: @bookclubhell666
Jack on X: @supersquat1
Levi on X: @optimismlevi