Feb 16 2022 8 mins 2
As increasingly sophisticated video and audio recording devices become available to householders at only moderate cost, deployment of such surveillance tech by householders is becoming ubiquitous. However, those deploying these devices do not always consider the impact of their surveillance tech on neighbouring properties or the legal ramifications of that impact. This episode explores this theme, and considers the causes of action and practical steps available to a neighbour adversely affected by overly intrusive surveillance tech.
- For a couple of illustrative cases that have reached the Courts, see Fairhurst v Woodard [2021] 10 WLUK 151 and Woolley & Woolley v Akbar or Akram [2017] SC EDIN 7.
- ICO guidance is available for people being filmed and those using domestic CCTV. Some discussion of the 'household exemption' is found in František Ryneš v Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů [2015] 1 W.L.R. 2607.
- Those in neighbour disputes should consider these steps, including using a mediation service.