If you are dating someone that is currently struggling with pornography but is taking the steps to recover, is there hope? Should I stay in the relationship? Should I run? If we were to get married, is this something that can be overcome or will I have to deal with this in the future forever? Listen to learn some principles to navigate these tough questions. Only you can know what is best for you. This episode will help you know how to move forward whether you are the person struggling with pornography or the person in a relationship with someone struggling with pornography.
Rachel grew up in Portland and came to Utah for school. She graduated from the University of Utah with her masters in social work. Rachel worked with different agencies that specialize in pornography and addiction issues, including Fight the New Drug, until she had her adorable baby girl and decided to focus on her private practice. She is also on the board for Reach 10, the non-profit that makes this podcast possible.
In this episode:
- Hope and opportunity for growth.
- Honesty and trustworthiness.
- Trusting yourself.
- Creating and maintaining equal partnership.
- Will this be a forever problem?
- How to do “the work”.
- Is my partner who they say they are?
Show Notes:
- Find Rachel Denton here.
- Start your free trial on Relay here: https://www.joinrelay.app/breaking-the-silence
- Listen to Chandler’s story on Episode 2.2 here.
- Submit anonymous questions for our Ask a Therapist series or share your story here.
- Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more!
- Contact us at [email protected].
- Learn more about our nonprofit at Reach10.org
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