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Nov 05 2017 44 mins   2

Questions regarding the Reformation were answered by the elders of Kootenai Church--Jim Osman, Dave Rich, Jess Whetsel, and Cornel Rasor. Some of the questions asked in no particular order:

  • Are Christians other than elders allowed to baptize other believers?
  • In what context should baptisms be performed?
  • What is the Catholic belief of "Patron Saints"?
  • What happens to leftover Communion?
  • How do you answer the charge that Protestants have their own bloody history to account for?
  • How does Rome deal with their bloody history in its persecution of Protestants?
  • What about the charge that Christians participated in the crusades?
  • Today Roman Catholics would not consider “anathema” to be anything more than ex-communication but not condemnation. Why do you make the claim that it is condemnation? Is anyone attending the Catholic Church going to Heaven?
  • What is biblical baptism vs. covenantal baptism?

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