Pour Decisions: The Bitter-Sweet World of Amari and Liqueur with Nick Tesar and Hugh Leech

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Feb 20 2024 58 mins  

Strap in while co-owners of Marionette Liqueurs, Nick Tesar and Hugh Leech, have a chat with Lachlan this week about Liqueurs and Amari. Originally created to preserve fruits and herbs, Liqueurs and Amari are now a staple behind any home or business bar. Listen now to find out where they come from, how they're made, and the best way to start exploring these bartender favourite spirits and expanding your knowledge.

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Show Notes:
Marionette Liqueurs - https://www.marionette.com.au
Four Pillars - https://www.fourpillarsgin.com
Gin Palace - https://www.ginpalace.com.au/#
Tamborine Mountain Distillery - https://tamborinemountaindistillery.com
Mr Black - https://www.mrblack.co/au
Mr West - https://mrwest.com.au
Before + After Bar - https://www.instagram.com/beforeandafterbar/
Vermuteria - https://www.instagram.com/beforeandafterbar/
Sortilege Whisky - https://www.sortilegewhisky.com/en/
Spirit Works Distillery - https://www.spiritworksdistillery.com
Behind the Bar with Cara Devine - https://www.behindthebarwithcaradevine.com
Steve the Bartender - https://stevethebartender.com.au