Feb 28 2020 19 mins
Some things changed at work this week. Not ready to talk about them just yet, but they will affect my work on NodleStudios projects.
It is Friday so I’m at home working through my list of tasks (in GoSelva) currently I’ve got 25 tasks remaining for today. Some of them will get pushed to tomorrow, others will get rescheduled to a future date. Some of them will get done.
## GoSelva
- Not a lot is changing in GoSelva at the moment. I continue to use it on a daily basis to manage my life.
- I did add one little feature this morning, I was counting the number of tasks I have to do today and thought that would be a nice little feature so I took 10 minutes and added it and deployed it.
## OhPeso
- OhPeso is open to the world, but its still very basic and has a lot of room for changes
- I did decide to open it up so that folks could register
- Reworked the home page a bit, need to right some words and some compelling reasoning for why a person might want to use the app
- So far the only folks who have created accounts are friends / family
- Feel free to sign up, it is free… :)
## My Stack
- Laravel
- mysql
- Livewire
- AlpineJS
- Tailwind CSS
- Tailwind UI
This morning I thought I’d check and see if the domain name for the title I’ve given my podcast is available… turns out it was, so you can go to becomingasolofounder.com to find out more about the podcast!
Thanks for listening!