Nov 14 2021 39 mins
In this episode of the 411 On Wrestling Podcast, 411's Blake Lovell discusses his AEW Full Gear review including thoughts on Hangman Page vs. Kenny Omega, CM Punk vs. Eddie Kingston, MJF vs. Darby Allin, and much more.
*2:27 MJF vs. Darby Allin
*6:33 Lucha Brothers vs. FTR
*8:16 Bryan Danielson vs. Miro
*12:34 Christian Cage/Jurassic Express vs. Adam Cole/Young Bucks
*17:08 Cody/PAC vs. Andrade/Malakai Black
*21:26 Britt Baker vs. Tay Conti
*24:49 CM Punk vs. Eddie Kingston
*29:14 The Inner Circle vs. Men of the Year/ATT
*32:39 Hangman Page vs. Kenny Omega
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Cook’s AEW Full Gear 2021 Review:
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