Vancouver’s Chinatown has been home to newcomers for generations, including many immigrants from China who were often excluded from other neighborhoods. In this episode, Sara talks with Queenie Choo, CEO of S.U.C.C.E.S.S, and Tim Lam, whose grandfather lived in Chinatown for many years. His home, Grace Manor was sold in 2021, leaving Tim’s grandfather and other residents without much time to find a new place to live. This is when S.U.C.C.E.S.S stepped in to run the building, with funding from the Province through BC Housing. Tim shares his grandfather’s journey, including the importance of culturally inclusive community.
- Queenie Choo, CEO, S.U.C.C.E.S.S
- Tim Lam, grandchild of senior living in Grace Seniors Housing
溫哥華華埠一直以來是新移民的家園,幾代人的居所,包括很多來自於中國的移民,他們曾經常常在其他社區遭到排斥。在本集中,Sara和中僑互助會行政總裁周潘坤玲(Queenie Choo)以及一位華埠多年住戶的孫兒Tim Lam對話。Tim 的祖父所居住的房屋Grace Manor 在2021年被出售,令他和其他住戶沒有多少時間來尋找新的地方居住。這個時候中僑互助會在卑詩省房屋局的支持下介入,營運這棟大樓。Tim分享他的祖父的經歷,以及建設文化包容社區的重要性。
- 周潘坤玲(Queenie Choo), 中僑互助會行政總裁
- Tim Lam, Grace Seniors Housing 住戶的孫兒