Apr 01 2021 55 mins
Be brave, have fun, stay curious. Play the game.
This is our latest motto, which will always keep us going! Right?
Ben and Chris talk about the latest developments in their training and what we can all continue to work on from home and what might change with the return of fencing looming…
We cover our thoughts on the recent Sabre and Epee Olympic qualifiers (this was recorded before the Foil event in Doha) and label one athlete as the Federer of the fencing world. Of course, we also talk about the Olympics and Ben’s experience as an Olympic training partner for Rio 2016.
We also cover why gratitude in the sport is important and another very curious topic…what makes fencers that originate from Guadeloupe so successful internationally?
There’s also a teaser in here about a big announcement that is to come in the next episode!
Fenced In:
J4G Design Ltd: https://j4gdesign.co.uk/
Ben Peggs: https://www.instagram.com/benpeggs/?hl=en
Budapest Sabre results: https://fie.org/articles/1040
Kazan Epee results: https://fie.org/articles/1044
Doha Foil results: https://fie.org/articles/1046