Nov 09 2024 19 mins
Full Moon in Krittika Nakshatra, the star of Agni, opposed by debilitated Sun, is always calling upon us to align with our truth and make a deeper inquiry into what is really true to us. So many parts of ourselves which contain immense creativity, wisdom and lifeforce, often remain suppressed, due to our fears, insecurities, feelings of shame and social expectations. Full Moon shining in sidereal Aries in the star of Krittika, opposed by the Sun in sidereal Libra, always calls us to reintegrate those exiled parts of ourselves and embrace them without fear. This message is particularly prominent this year as both Sun and Moon will be occupying last degrees of their sidereal rashis which maps to the amsha of Goddess Matangi in D20 chart (Vimshamsha) of our spiritual progress. Additionally Sun will be aspected by strong Saturn, while deblitated Sun is aspected during this entire fortnight by debilitated Mars. This dynamics naturally increases our fears and insecurities and enhances the inner conflict between them and our natural wish to self-express and stand in our truth.
Needless to say, this entire fortnight might be quite volatile to some, with fiery nakshatras being very active, while fiery planets experiencing a very low dignity. It’s good to avoid making impulsive decisions, speaking unpleasant truths in too direct ways or stressing about things beyond our control.
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