Apr 29 2023 59 mins
Litsa Williams joins me to discuss all things grief. Lista is the co-founder and published author (along with Eleanor) of the online community and book, 'What's your Grief'. We discuss different types of grief, secondary losses and how the grief space online has changed over the years.
Find more information about Litsa and Eleanor here:
Instagram and Tiktok: @whatsyourgrief
Youtube: @whatsyourgrief4765
Buy the book here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Whats-Your-Grief-Lists-Through/dp/1683693027/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ETID2PJ84HG8&keywords=whats+your+grief+book&qid=1682799015&sprefix=whats+your+grief%2Caps%2C349&sr=8-1