Jul 30 2024 41 mins
Join us this week as Meena Mallipeddi welcome's guests Dr. Christopher Landrigan, Chief of General Peditarics at Boston Children's Hospital & Deborah Campbell, VP Clinical Strategy and Transformation at Kentucky Hospital Association.
What you'll get from this episode:
- Introduction of Deborah Campbell and Dr. Christopher Landrigan, leaders in the I-PASS Initiative.
- Insights into the career paths of Campbell and Landrigan, highlighting their journey in healthcare.
- Explanation of the I-PASS Initiative and its focus on improving transitions of care.
- Discussion on the implementation and impact of I-PASS in various healthcare settings.
- Exploration of the future of I-PASS and other related initiatives in healthcare communication.
Learn More About Our Guests:
Boston Children's Hospital Website https://www.childrenshospital.org/
Kentucky Hospital Association Website https://www.kyha.com/
Guest Dr. Christopher Landrigan's LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-landrigan-md-b5472abb/
Guest Deborah Campbell's LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah-campbell-a3809a5a/
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