Jul 08 2021 28 mins
🤓 Think big, start small and keep asking questions that make you grow. 00:36
😇 The world is being remade in data's image, and we have a chance to remake the world in a more humane image. 02:57
🗽 People across the government are doing useful and important things with data and technology. 06:13
⚡Use cases: Robotic process automation became a hot topic 09:49
🧐 On data literacy and leading organizations from a data perspective. 14:43
⚖️ Balancing risk vs. speed is not much different from risk vs. reward. 18:21
🕵️♀️ Is hiding or hoarding your data really moving the mission forward? 21:43
📚 Kevin Hanegan’s new book Turning Data into Wisdom is a must-read. 24:28
👥 Let the data reveal even what is uncomfortable. 27:04
The article mentioned: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/24/us/police-resignations-protests-asheville.html?referringSource=articleShare
Connect with Mark, Andrew, and Courtney.
Mark Fedeli
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/markfedeli
Twitter: @markfedeli
Andrew Churchill
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/fachurchill/
Twitter: @FAChurchill
Courtney Hastings:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/courtneyhastings
Twitter: @chatrhstrategic