Episode 57: Dealing With Self Sabotage, Pressure, & High Expectations

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Feb 07 2025 56 mins  

Have you ever felt held back by self sabotage and unable to progress due to the pressure and high or unreasonable expectations you have placed on yourself and your competition prep journey? In this week’s episode of Bikinis After Babies, we are diving deep into the struggle of self sabotage and discussing how pressure and expectations can lead to self-doubt and derail progress on a competitor's journey to the stage. This is something that both of us have personally experienced and we share the helpful tips that we have found useful to our success and the success of our clients! Ultimately, the development of mental fortitude in competition prep will lead to a positive mindset AND positive experience! We encourage our audience to focus on their journey and the process rather than just the outcome or placing. Prep is challenging but SO rewarding and teaches us lessons that we carry into other aspects of our lives!

We hope that you enjoyed this episode, and if so, we would LOVE it if you would rate, subscribe, and leave us reviews on how this podcast has helped you 💕 We’d also love to hear from you about future topics you would like us to discuss so please leave us a comment or reach out to us with your questions and suggestions!

About Momshell Method Fitness:

Ready to embark on your fitness journey? We would love to help you reach any fitness goal from losing the baby weight to crushing your competition goals!

Follow this link to schedule a discovery call with one of our team members and learn how Momshell Method Fitness can provide you with the tools you need to be successful with customized nutrition and training plans for busy moms → http://bit.ly/loseweightgetsexy

Contact your hosts:

Mandy Rochon

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mandyrochonfitness/

Facebook: Mandy Rochon

Gillian Hughes, IFBB Bikini Pro

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gillianhughes_momshell/

Facebook: Gillian Hughes

Mandy’s Posing Sessions

1:1 In Person (KC Posing Studio) → https://bit.ly/inpersonposingwithmandy

1:1 Virtual Posing → https://bit.ly/virtualposingwithmandy

Posing with Gillian Hughes, IFBB Bikini Pro

1:1 In Person (St Louis Posing Studio) → https://bit.ly/stlposingwithgillianifbbpro

1:1 Virtual Posing → https://bit.ly/virtualposingwithgillianifbbpro

Momshell Method Fitness Supplements → https://www.momshell-method-fitness.myshopify.com

(Use code “BAB” to save 15% off your order)

Nuethyx Formulations Supplements →


(Use code “Momshell” to save 10% off your order)

Toxic Angelz Bikinis → https://toxicangelzbikinis.com

(Use code “GILLIAN” or code “MANDY” to save 15% off your order)

Squeeze Me Skinny Waist Trainers → https://www.squeezmeskinny.com

(Use code “MOMSHELL” to save 10% off your order)

The Shoe Fairy competition heels → https://www.shoefairyofficial.com

(Use code “momshell” to save 15% off your order)

Labwork and Personalized Recommendations: Practitioner Depot: https://bit.ly/practitionerdepotxmomshell (Use code “momshell” to save 5% off your order)

Our Amazon storefront- fitness outfits, more supplements, beauty items and competition needs → https://amzn.to/3zySJ4