Aug 05 2024 21 mins 1
In this episode, we welcome Dawn Mahan, an experienced project manager dedicated to helping project people succeed. Dawn shares her journey working with project management newbies and "heart-centered" leaders, leading up to the creation of her seminal book, Meet the Players of Projectland. This is the first part of a three-part series where Dawn discusses her career, the motivation behind her book, and why it's an essential read for those new to project management or struggling with stakeholder engagement.
Key Takeaways:
- Dawn's Career Journey:
- Dawn's experiences and milestones in project management.
- How working with newbies and heart-centered leaders shaped her approach.
- Inspiration Behind the Book:
- The story and motivation for writing Meet the Players of Projectland.
- Insights into the challenges faced by new project managers and mentors.
- Target Audience for the Book:
- Why the book is invaluable for aspiring project managers.
- How it helps those struggling with stakeholder engagement.