Apr 23 2024 47 mins
When was the last time you made a decision without overthinking it? Did it work out? Did some good come of it?
Your Human Design Authority is all about how you best make decisions, and just so you know, it's never from a place of thinking about something to death. But, that's often our default mode, especially when it comes to important decisions.
This episode is all about how to leverage your Authority to make the right decision for you, even when it's hard or you feel like you'll let someone down. We share some general tips for all Authorities and then several tips for each Authority.
So grab your chart and enjoy the episode!
In this episode we're also excited to share with you a couple of ways you can work with us. Here are the links:
- Book a One-on-One Session with Brandi
- Apply for Kyle's Aligned Success HD Program for fitness and wellness professionals