#2: Callie Thorpe - The Predictable (yet Painful) Response to the Cosmo Cover, 'This is healthy!'

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Mar 06 2021 60 mins   2

TW: weight stigma

In this episode, I get to talk with the incredible Callie Thorpe, who is a speaker, writer and model who most recently featured on the cover of the February 2021 issue of Cosmopolitan. You may have seen one of the many stigmatising news articles, television segments and concern trolling social media posts made about why the cover was supposedly 'promoting ob*sity' (spoiler alert: that's not a thing), but did you notice that almost none of the discussions actually involved any of the individuals who were featured in the article? Better still, did you notice that most of the people giving the discriminatory 'hot takes' hadn't actually read the article but just seen the cover picture? Funny that eh?

I want to thank Callie for being so candid with what was a difficult and emotional topic to cover. Please do look her up on social media (@calliethorpe) - positive messages of support and encouragement mean more than you might think.


My debut book, Food Isn't Medicine: Challenge Nutribollocks & Escape The Diet Trap, is now available for pre-order online (Amazon, Book Depository and elsewhere). Do come and join me on social media @drjoshuawolrich.