Good Morning, Legend – Abundance Activator

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Feb 28 2025 10 mins   2 1 0

Good Morning, Legend! Welcome to a brand new day in the simulation.

Today is your opportunity to call in more magic, more greatness, more power, more love, more truth. It’s time to step into your greatest, most aligned, most magnetic self.

I’m James Xander, this is your daily dose of morning magic—designed to align your mind, your body, and your spirit.


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Sonia Choquette's Divine Prayer:

Divine Spirit within me, move me in the direction of my highest good this day, and in the direction of the highest good that I can bring to anyone I encounter. Move my mind, move my body, move my thoughts, move my words, move my emotions, move everything in me in the direction of my greatest success.


Affirmations & Mantras

Infinite Spirit, open the way to my great abundance.

The light of lights streams through my mind, body, and affairs, revealing all in Divine order. I see clearly there are no obstacles on my pathway. I see clearly the open road of fulfillment.

I am a perfect non-resistant instrument for God to work through, and His perfect plan for me now comes to pass in a magic way.

All channels are free and all doors fly open for my immediate and endless, Divinely Designed supply.

The “four winds of success” now blow to me my own. From North, South, East and West comes my endless good.

I am in perfect harmony with the working of the law. I stand aside and let Infinite Intelligence make easy and successful my way.

Let the Divine Design of my life flash into my conscious mind. Let me see clearly the perfect plan.

Infinite Spirit, clear all blocks that are standing in the way of my great and infinite abundance.

Infinite Spirit, open the way for my destiny, my blessings, my highest timeline, infinite abundance, infinite love, infinite receiving, infinite beauty, perfect health.

Infinite Spirit, open all paths for my destiny to unfold in the perfect, most harmonious, most beautiful way.

Infinite Spirit, open the way for the Divine Design of my life to manifest; let the genius within me now be released; let me see clearly the perfect plan.

The law of God is the law of increase and I give thanks for increase under grace in perfect ways.

By day and by night I am being prospered in all of my interests.

Today is the day of my amazing good fortune.


Daily Wealth & Abundance Prayer

Infinite Source, Divine Intelligence, the power that breathes life into all things—thank you for this sacred new day. I awaken to the truth that I am one with limitless abundance. I am not separate from wealth, success, or miracles; they are already within me, flowing through me, manifesting in my world effortlessly and continuously.

Today, I walk in the knowing that everything I desire is already mine. Money, freedom, joy, and opportunity move toward me like rivers returning to the sea. I am a powerful creator, a magnet for infinite prosperity, and a vessel for divine wealth.

Every thought I think is charged with abundance. Every action I take is divinely guided toward my highest good. I am aligned, I am worthy, and I am fully receptive to the blessings pouring into my life now.

Doors open for me in miraculous ways. The right people, the right opportunities, and the perfect circumstances unfold effortlessly. Wealth is not something I chase—it is something I AM. I live in the vibration of abundance, and the universe rushes to meet me at my level of belief.

I declare: Money flows to me freely. Success is my birthright. Joy is my natural state. I am in perfect harmony with the infinite supply of the universe.

And so it is. It is done. It is done. It is done.


Today's Wisdom from Neville Goddard:

Define your ideal and concentrate your attention upon the idea of identifying yourself with your ideal. Assume the feeling of being it, the feeling that would be yours were you already the embodiment of your ideal. Then live and act upon this conviction. This assumption, though denied by the senses, if persisted in, will become fact.

The Power of Awareness, Neville Goddard


Thank you for listening to Good Morning, Legend.

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And for more James Xander magic, search for The James Xander Trip Podcast.