Mar 08 2023 6 mins
Loneliness vs Aloneness
Loneliness creates a feeling of needing to be rescued, tended to, and filled up, it is an outside-focused state that is felt deep within. A state that has its foundation on low self-esteem, low self-love, and an understanding on a profound level that you operate on a belief system that is telling you that you are insignificant. A belief that you will not be able to do it on your terms and that you are not equipped for a joyful and abundant life. You will believe that you are at the back of the pecking order.
On the other hand, mastering “a-lone-ness” is an inside job, it connects to being in harmony with self. An environment that lets you be #1 in your own life. In a self-care not selfish way. Where you know that nothing matters, but your own emotions and thoughts.