Nick Chambers was born and raised in Camden, Arkansas. He is the grandson of the late Rev. Leo Smith, who pastored for 50 years in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (CPC). His mother, former Women’s Ministry President, Martha Chambers, father, and father-in-law are ordained elders in the CP Church. His brother and aunt are also CP Ministers. But serving in the church was never the dream for Nick.
Nick and Andrea have six children who are all homeschooled. His two oldest kids help lead worship every Sunday. Nick has served as moderator of Arkansas and Grace Presbyteries, numerous presbyterial committees, and the Communications Ministry Team. He is currently the pastor of the Camden CP Church, and, via video stream, the Walkerville CP Church. Adapted from the Cumberland Presbyterian magazine, May 2024.
Music is provided by Pierce Murphy, Caldera Blue.
Additional comments: modifications made to shorten and loop song for introduction and closing of podcast.
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