Feb 22 2022
Roxy Wishum from Faulkner University joins the podcast to talk about his role at the school and the mental health of our college students. The episode starts with Roxy's time at Faulkner and the role he has. He shares his favorite aspects of the school and it's culture. Travis asks Mr. Wishum about avoiding homesickness for students especially the ones away from home for the first time. He then shares tips for parents to prepare their kids for college and life in general. Also tips to not overwhelm their kids while away at college.
OUR NEW PODCAST "The Friday ReFresh" LAUNCHES THIS FRIDAY MORNING: https://media.zencast.fm/the-friday-refresh/3a31b882-2ab9-4785-80b5-9d17c6abc15f.mp3
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Links mentioned in this episode:
- Get our free ebook "28 Days of Focused Living" here: https://www.benandtravis.com
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- Faulkner University https://www.faulkner.edu
- Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes https://www.benandtravis.com/l2l
This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm