John 19: You WON'T Believe Pilate's Struggle & What Jesus Did for Mary! 'It Is Finished

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May 23 2023 24 mins  

As we dive into John 19 and talk about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, were pulling out three things that really stood out to us. The first being of Pilate; as he struggles with finding Jesus guilty of anything, he is overcome by the pressure of the thousands gathered telling him what to do. The next is that Jesus ensures that His mother (Mary) is cared for by the one he loves. Lastly, we will discuss "it is finished" and the statement's impact on us. We know there is a lot to unpack here and talk about, and we cover it all, but these three things are what we feel the Holy Spirit is leading us to share. No chatbot script, straight from the Spirit. If you get to the end, you will see that Ben needed to take a moment to sit and collect himself before closing out.

Also, don't forget our Bible studies are now on Tuesdays. We look forward to diving into scripture with you and can't wait to hear how God is moving in your life. Let us know in the comments.

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