Nov 12 2024 2 mins 12
"The Circus on Castroville"
Let’s go down the line
To the row across the tracks
To the house on Castroville
Where snakes wait in the grass…
…if you know what I mean…
an’ sure! It ain’t cheap
rest assured, you’ll get your money’s worth
cuz they make quite the scene
Listen George, I’ll tell you what…
I thought this pint was low?
‘s a good mistake to make, I guess
I’ll tell you where we’ll go
Let’s stay away from two-bit whores
Kate’s is where we’ll go!
Cost is high, ten bucks a pop
But oh, Lord, what a show
Best show on earth! If you ask me
An’ I’ve seen a thing or two
They got a little circus there
I’ll tell you what they do…
If you’re feelin’ down
Like all the world’s a bitter pill
Every man can get his fill
At the circus down on Castroville!
Come on down, boys, step right up!
Fellas, don’t be shy
It ain’t for the faint of heart
But they got tricks of all kinds!
They’ll pop your eyes right out your head
They’ll knock your socks right off!
And if you find yourself in doubt,
You can always watch
Tell you what I’m gonna do
Oh Harry, pal o’ mine
I’ll get some lead in this here pencil
Then we’ll go on down the line
Sharpest broads you ever saw
With their razors and their whips
It’s a circus down on Castroville
I’ll tell you what they did
See they…
…and then they line you up along the windowsill, then…
Every man can get his fill
At the circus down on Castroville
Komposition – Stephanie Nilles
Klavier, Orgel, Gesang, Perkussion, Melodica, Geige und Gesang – Stephanie Nilles
Klarinette, Kornett, Alt- und Tenorsaxofon, Tuba, Kontrabass, Gitarre, Penny Whistle, Gesang – Thomas Deakin
Bratsche – Allan Nilles
Aus der Hörspiel-Serie "Jenseits von Eden" nach dem Roman von John Steinbeck
Produktion: NDR 2021
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