Jan 13 2025 34 mins
Monogamous romantic relationships have been seen as the norm for a long time. They’re the kind most commonly represented in the media, often as the only “right” kind of relationship. However, open relationships, polyamory, and other consensual non-monogamous relationships are more common than you might think. People with ADHD often find ways of living life outside of the typical standard. This could include being non-monogamous!
Martha Kauppi is a marriage and family therapist and sex therapist. She is the author of the book Polyamory: A Clinical Toolkit for Therapists (And Their Clients). Listen to this conversation on jealousy, reaching agreements with your partner, and what consensual non-monogamy really is.
Related resources
- Polyamory: A Clinical Toolkit for Therapists (And Their Clients) by Martha Kauppi
- 8 Steps To Opening Up: Starting The Conversation About Non-Monogamy, a Free eBook by Martha Kauppi
- Martha Kauppi’s website, www.instituteforrelationalintimacy.com
(00:55) Why learn about consensual non-monogamy?
(04:04) What is consensual non-monogamy?
(05:36) What is the biggest misconception about non-monogamy?
(08:40) Building a relationship that works for you, not just what you see in the media
(11:46) Viewing non-monogamy as an option in life
(15:42) Moving toward consensual non-monogamy in a relational way
(21:03) How would you start a conversation about opening your currently monogamous relationship?
(24:20) Tips for working through jealousy
(25:35) What is compersion?
(30:13) It’s OK if non-monogamy isn’t for you!
(32:10) Where can you find Martha?
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