Mar 16 2025 19 mins 26
Schools are failing our children when boys who make sexual threats remain in class with their victims. A toxic combination of pornography access, weak responses, and "boys will be boys" attitudes is forcing young girls out of education.
Quote of the Episode:
"When schools allow boys who make sexual threats to remain in class with their victims, they're making a value judgment. They're saying a boy's uninterrupted education matters more than a girl's right to learn without fear." - Justin Coulson
Key Points:
- Sexual harassment via school laptops is happening as early as Grade 7 (age 12)
- Schools often respond inadequately to sexual threats, prioritising perpetrators' education over victims' safety
- Easy access to pornography is fuelling inappropriate sexual behaviour among young boys
- Parents must make noise and demand accountability when their children are victims
If your child is a perpetrator, taking responsibility and ensuring consequences is essential
- Parental monitoring of screen use is the number one protective factor against digital harm
- The e-Safety Commissioner should be contacted in cases of online harassment
- Media attention and public pressure can force educational institutions to take appropriate action
- Both victims and perpetrators need support systems focused on responsibility and empathy
Resources Mentioned:
- E-Safety Commissioner (for reporting online harassment)
- Happy Families
- "Know My Name" by Chanel Miller (book about sexual assault)
- Dan Principe
- Melinda Tankard Reist
- Collective Shout
Action Steps for Parents:
- If your child is a victim, make noise—report to school authorities, police, the e-Safety Commissioner, and escalate to education departments if necessary.
- Monitor and supervise all screen time—know what your children are viewing, typing, and who they're communicating with.
- Have open conversations with your children about online harassment, showing them real examples and developing response strategies.
- Teach children to block harassers and not engage, as responses often fuel further harassment.
- If your child is a perpetrator, hold them accountable rather than minimising their behaviour.
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