Aug 28 2015 41 mins 38
In this episode of the podcast, we answer more great questions from you, including how to fight fair (spoiler alert: we don’t know!) and how to help a trans sibling. Then it’s Who Would You Do, where we learn about Edie’s obsession with Chopped on the Food Network. PLUS: A special offer from our favorite online underthings boutique, Bluestockings Boutique!! We love them.
Also appearing in this episode: Tequila; rogue low rumblings because we kept knocking against the table (sorry guys!)
Show Links
10 rules for friendly fighting
“I Think I Might be Trans…Now What?” Pamphlet (Advocates for Youth)
Resources from PFLAG about supporting Trans family members
Bluestockings Boutique –enter code newlesbian for 15% off!
Edie in Marie Claire UK-buy the issue here
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Twitter: @edie_wyatt | @new_elle