Nov 23 2022 81 mins
The “Our” in Our Journey; the entities/alters created from mind control traumatic personality “splits”. Used in various covert operations which included espionage, sexual operations, and assasinations to name a few…
“Integration” of personalities vs. acceptance of the created alters which lived entire live through Elisa.
And the Entities who control the alters!
Resolution of trauma—of all types
Taking responsibility for what happened—not blame or guilt, but owning the reality of the situation as a means to heal and move forward.
Overcoming victim status and victims vs. perpetrators.
Perpetrators are also those who turn away from knowledge about dark operations,,,
MKUltra has gone global now with events of the last two years.
The continuing denial of even the existence of MKUltra despite The Church Commission’s revelations of covert mind control programs, the never-released film, “The Manchurian Candidate” (1964), and Walter Boart;s 1978 book, “Operation Mind Control”
Church Commission on Wikipedia:
Operation MindControl Researchers Edition PDF download:
Mind control is an industry: Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) is a government military contractor that provides technical, engineering, and enterprise information technology (IT) services, primarily to the U.S. government. It is headquartered in Reston, Virginia. (Mentioned at: 24:28:22 mark). Note the “AI” in SAIC!
Revelation of the method. Ignoring the leaks given out is participation in the deceptions.
The “2020 scenario” and how many people did, and did not buy into it…the wakeup from fallout of staged mass trauma events
“A mine field of mental manipulation” -Randy
“A lot have chosen to go away from life”. -Elisa E.
A split in humanity—in the human folk soul
The rollout of “new technology” at the beginning of the pandemic.
5G/6G and the effects of the medicalization process—a mass die-off (34:00:00 mark)
People are making choices, this is a time of decision.
(39:00:00) Elise reads from Rudolph Steiner:
It was again in one of those simple gatherings of Rosicrucians that in the second half of the fifteenth century, on the occasion of a ritual arranged for this very purpose, man's Star-knowledge was in deeply solemn manner offered up in sacrifice. What took place in that ritual, which was enacted in all the solemnity proper to such a festival, may be expressed as follows. — Men stood before a kind of altar and said:
“We resolve now to feel ourselves responsible not for ourselves alone nor our community, nor our nation, nor even only for the men of our time; we resolve to feel ourselves responsible for all men who have ever lived on Earth, to feel that we belong to the whole of mankind. And we feel that mankind has deserted the rank of the Fourth Hierarchy and has descended too deeply into matter” (for the Fall into Sin was understood in this sense) “and in order that man may be able to return to the rank of the Fourth Hierarchy, may be able to find for himself in freedom of will what in earlier times Gods have tried to find for him and with him, let now the higher knowledge be offered up for a season!” -Rudolph Steiner, ROSICRUCIANISM AND MODERN INITIATION GA 233A, III. The Time of Transition
Elise: “I believe this is where, at least a significant portion of humanity is headed” (This being a return to the Fourth Estate, away from the “fall” into deep matter.)
How MKUltra has gone “global”, Elise’s alter which said “they are coming for all of you”
The smart phone is one of “their” great successes.
Breaking the illusion: people are borderline suicidal—they are split by the brutal reality of the operation they are undergoing,
“They are coming for ALL of you…” Universal MKUltra.
META: the merger of the machine and the human. This is NOT an experiment. The experiments occurred over the last 70 years.
The occult side of the tech industry” they are the “Wizards” of this new reality.
(00:31:00) Soul choices, humanity in the spiral, conscious awaking to exit ramps
(51:00:00 mark) the Book and collages):
“Once Upon A Time” Disney and mind entrainment; program reinforcement via media triggers; subliminal and psychic driving use of imagery.
Using symbols, colors, and imagery from the unconscious—reverse-engineering mind control programs which deploy the same imagery manipulation.
“TV Programming"
(1:04:00) “Let Your Dreams Take Flight”
Elise recounts a story from her early period of deprogramming about fast food and the effects of “sense programming” reinforcements.
McDonalds and Chef Boi Ardee. “Comfort food” as a sedative.
Programs inverted everything natural—black magic.
Perry Como and “Moon River” programming.
Batman programming. Purple and green color coding of the Batman villains.
James Holmes, Sandy Hook, and Black Awakening