Oct 27 2024 84 mins 4
See full show notes for references & additional info.
Queering Premodern Asia is a limited series and the 5th season of the Nuances podcast about Our Asian Stories. Each episode explores different aspects of sexual diversity in premodern Asia with commentary from guest scholars. Episodes are divided into a narrative portion, and a discussion with a guest co-host from the queer Asian community.
Ep. 8: For the Record
- Introduction & content warnings
- We were here
- Other sources than official records
- Power in numbers
- Who’s missing?
- Official vs unofficial stance on queerness
- Court documents
- Decolonizing history
- Porn, erotic art
- Conclusion
- Discussion with co-host Dr. Izat El Amoor
- Outro
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Guest bio
Izat El Amoor is an assistant professor of sociology, public scholar, and a queer Palestinian (citizen of Israel). He studies queer issues in Palestine with a focus on education, family life, and the Palestinian Queer Movement. He also studies queer life in the SWANA Region with a focus on political and cultural factors of mobilizing for towards queer change since the Arab uprisings erupted in 2011.