Dec 18 2023 22 mins 2
Jan Goolsbey joins the show. He and Paul discuss the CircuitPython Community Bundle, Jan’s contributions to the bundle, his IoT wind chimes project, and the string car racer.
Transcripts are available in most podcast players.
00:30 Welcome Jan
2:24 Discovering CircuitPython
3:52 CircuitPython’s Community Bundle
6:10 Jan’s favorite libraries in the Community Bundle: Range Slicer
7:45 Graphics libraries including PaletteFader
9:27 Advice for adding to the CircuitPython Community Bundle
10:30 Using synthio for the Internet of Things Wind Chimes project
- Wind Chimes repository
14:14 The String Car Racer
19:05 Where to learn more?
20:15 Which board?