Adobe Lawsuit, AI Considerations, Editing Software

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Jun 24 2024 45 mins   3

Curious about Adobe’s AI controversy? Wondering how the FTC's suit might impact your subscriptions? Join us as we discuss how these (and more) might affect podcast editors and their clients.

Episode Notes:

As podcast editors, our clients rely on us to stay informed about industry news to prevent errors and missteps. But it seems like there's always something new to stay on top of. And most of the news sources are aimed towards podcasters.

Join us as Jennifer and Bryan discuss some of the recent announcements in the podcast space, but with the perspective of how it could affect us as editors and our clients.

We're not here to tell you what to think, but to spur the conversation so that you're well-equipped to operate your business and help your clients stay ahead of the curve without having to invest all their time following every new announcement.

Key Discussion Points

  • Adobe sued by FTC for account cancellation practices
  • Some are suspicious of Adobe's and AI; Adobe released a statement
  • Apple will allow call recording in the future
  • Spotify for Podcasters sunsets creative tools
  • Spotify adds video support for shows not hosted on Spotify
  • Some tools you might consider for sharing shows and episodes, text-based editing, and getting guest releases and contracts signed

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Our Editor

This episode of the Podcast Editors Mastermind was edited by Bryan Entzminger. You can find him at if you're interested in talking with him about editing your show.

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