Feb 27 2024 64 mins
After a wild couple of days, our investigators take a moment to regroup and ask some tough questions. R.A. Goodrich and Art Berman both have a chat with Joanne Lamour. Hallie stone gets reaquainted with Dr. Nigel Morgan. And Detective Doritt reveals that an old adversary may be responsible for everything.
After this, there are only three episodes left of our Call of Cthulhu actual play, so every choice may be our player's last.
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If you want to learn more about the weird world we're playing in - we started a World Anvil page for you! It is going to be updated with lore and articles about the universe our game(and future games) will be set in. So if you want to learn all the weird little details about this world you can start exploring Waves Beyond Limit at: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/waves-beyond-limit-jaedmc
Jae K. Renfrow
Gail Renfrow as Joanne Lamour
David Jackson as August Straume
Tara Bouldrey as Hallie Stone
Website: https://www.getoutofdepth.com
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Learn more about Call of Cthulhu RPG: https://www.chaosium.com/call-of-cthulhu-rpg/
Music, Stems and SFX licensed by https://www.soundstripe.com
Sound design by Jae.