Feb 22 2024 33 mins 14
They have a plan. They've laid the clues. They've set the trap. This time the Aghast! Menagerie is theirs ... Unless, of course, some other monster is nearby, loafing about, messing up everything for them.
Featuring the Vocal Talents of:
Jordan Trovillion as Riley Kate
Paul Kerford Wilson as Render
Neil Batra as Taiwan 1000!
Dave F'n Powell as Professor Bunion
Grayson Halonen as Teenage Boys with "That" Haircut
Grayson Halonen, Zach Robinson and Trey Tatum as QuackSquatch!
and Special Guest Alexx Rouse as The Firebrand!
Written by Trey Tatum
Directed by Bridget Leak
Have Monster, Will Travel is a production of Queen City Flash out of Cincinnati, OH.
for more information, visit queencityflash.com
Cover Art by Jordan Trovillion
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From the Creators of Have Monster, Will Travel:
ZOiNKS! - Meet Nolan Blackwell, Teen Sleuth - Girl Detective, and her dog Casper. Nolan has a love of all things Nancy Drew and Encyclopedia Brown. Casper has a penchant for mischief.
But not all mysteries are hardbound and soon Nolan Blackwell will have to uncover clues and stare down dangers that threaten to reveal more about her past than she may be ready to confront.
Fans of Nancy Drew and Scooby Doo will delight in this hilarious, opioid-fueled dive into the world of latch-key children and the haunted, dangerous places that meddling leads.
CW - ZOiNKS! contains mature language and themes of addiction and neglect.