At the core of consumerism we find the “three poisons” that causes suffering–greed, hatred and delusion. During this talk, Peter provides some background information about the history and adverse sociocultural and ecological effects of contemporary consumerism, emphasizing that, although we have all benefited from modern production and distribution technologies, we are persistently conditioned to want things and status, and fear what seems to threaten our self-identity. The conditioning, beginning at a very early time in a person’s life, not only involves material objects, but also includes conditioning through TV shows, the internet, and other modalities that have established our self-image. After providing this information, a description of the Four Noble Truths, and particularly the Noble Eightfold Path, is suggested as a way to effectively identify the distress and confusion that occurs as a result of consumerism. The challenge of this era in human and planetary life is to find effective ways to cultivate a different lifestyle, and Buddhist principles and practices support this evolution. Peter recommends reading a book by Duane Elgin titled “Voluntary Simplicity–Toward a Way of Life That Is Outwardly Simply, Inwardly Rich”, particularly the revised addition published in 2010 as a resource that often refers to Buddhism as an effective way to live a simpler life.
Here are the notes prepared for this talk: Consumerism and the Dharma