Jun 14 2024 119 mins
Kyle Kowalski is an ex-marketing executive turned solopreneuer. After experiencing an existential crisis he left the corporate world and founded Sloww - a digital knowledge base and community which shares insights into the art of living for students of life. He is an interdisciplinary dot collector and synthesizer who creates in-depth book summaries, e-books, and a wisdom-packed weekly newsletter. His work integrates slow living with meaning, purpose, money mastery, transformational learning, and human development. In this episode, we speak about how Kyle built his audience, monetized Sloww & overcame imposter syndrome, the impact of ego development theory, why the meta-crisis is a me crisis, the various challenges of post-conventional life, balancing knowledge consumption with direct experience and Kyle’s brand new Synthesizer course.
🔗[Links & Resources] 🔗
- Sloww Website
- Connect with Kyle on Twitter/X - https://x.com/KyKow
- Subscribe to the Sloww Sunday newsletter
- Get Kyle’s Synthesizer course
- Get the IKIGIA 2.0 E-book by Kyle Kowalski
- Sign up for the Sloww Premium Community
- Introduction to Susanne Cook-Greuter’s Ego Development Theory
- Metacrisis.org
- Is the meta-crisis a me crisis
- Wise Walk by Kyle Kowalski
- Paul Millerd & Kyle Kowalski path comparison
- Nora Bateson synthesis
📝 [Show notes] 📝
0:00 - Introduction
1:43 - Insights from entrepreneurship (navigating money & meaning )
13:33 - The process of transitioning from the corporate world to solopreneurship
23:00 - How Kyle built his audience, monetized Sloww & overcame imposter syndrome
31:40 - The challenges of monetizing generalist/holistic content
43:44 - How to create purposeful work
52:34 - How Ego Development Theory impacted Kyle
56:37 - Synthesizing Nora Bateson’s opinion of developmental stage theories
1:09:55 - Why the Meta-crisis is a me crisis
1:16:18 - The Post-conventional shift and the challenges that come with it
1:22:52 - Balancing knowledge consumption with direct experience ( becoming a spiritual translator )
1:29:40 - The role of relational practices in human development
1:37:52 - Unpacking Kyle’s Synthesizer course
1:43:28 - Gauging interest before creating a product
1:45:45 - What makes Kyle most angry about society today?
1:51:12 - Tears of joy
1:56:34 - Final message
*Subscribe to the Insighter substack to get in-depth articles on the theory and practice of human transformation through a post-convention