Jan 26 2025 8 mins
Welcome to “God's Love for the unlovable” a reminder of the amazing Gospel of Jesus’ love for the unlovable. . I’m Dr. Bill Senyard with Gospel App Ministries. So I am going to take a month’s break from Vagabond Diaries series. Thanks for the positive feedback. It seems to resonate with a lot of folk. We will return to it in February. But I wanted to do a solid 1 month spiritual formation power block. Think of a month of spiritual Cross training, or hot Yoga, or marshal arts. It will a three-for, three short shows a week in January. A few minutes tops. Why now? It is the beginning of a new year. Why not now? Welcome to Gospel Rant New Year’s Anti-Resolution Month and God’s Love for the Unlovable. Enjoy! Love feedback, [email protected]. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LIKE or FOLLOW.
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