Dec 18 2024 10 mins 2
Does waiting for God to move leave your prayer life feeling stuck?
Join Rachel in this week’s “Questions from Hard Spaces” as she explores the challenging question: How do I keep praying when it feels like nothing is changing? Discover hope and encouragement through powerful insights from the story of Abraham and Sarah.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Why persistence in prayer is about trust, not results.
- How waiting can shape patience, faith, and endurance.
- The powerful truth that circumstances have zero effect on God’s character.
- What it means to trust God’s promises even when the wait feels long.
In the Pray More/Worry Less Encouragement segment, Rachel unpacks a foundational principle: God’s character never changes, even when life feels impossible.
Finally, don’t miss this week’s Answered Prayer Story — a moving testimony of God’s faithfulness that proves He still hears and answers prayers, even in life’s darkest storms.
If your prayers feel stuck, let this episode remind you of the God who keeps His promises and works in ways you may not yet see.
Desperate Prayers: Embracing the Power of Prayer in Life’s Darkest Moments is now available! If you’ve ever felt uncertain about God’s promises or questioned if your prayers make a difference, this book is for you. In Desperate Prayers, I explore the lives of Bible characters like Abraham and Sarah, who waited on God and saw Him move in powerful ways.
Order today and discover how God’s faithfulness never fails even in the waiting. Go to—available wherever books are sold.
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