Tim Halfin heard that a local boy had gone missing for 3 days. As he started to pray, he heard God say, “You will go look for that boy tomorrow.”
More information about Tim's story available @ https://godoutloud.com/
God Out Loud is a seasonal podcast featuring stories of people who claim they heard God. Every new episode uses immersive storytelling to capture real stories of real people.
God Out Loud investigates each story, and we tell the story as accurately as we know how. Did each guest really hear from God? We’ll leave that for you to decide.
Want to help make new episodes? Either make a one-time gift, or become a Monthly Partner at: https://godoutloud.com/
(Feel free to give… no guilt trips or promises of prosperity.)
Perks of being a Monthly Partner include:
PHONE CALL from me thanking you.
SHOUT OUT at the end of one podcast.
MEMBERS-ONLY DRAWINGS monthly for episode related merch.
For more information about Tim's story and a chance to tell your story or suggest a story go to https://godoutloud.com/