Hi friends, happy Tuesday!
Today I thought I would repost a fan favorite story... Casey Anthony. Not just because it had the entire country in a fricken choke hold. But also because... there have been some, let's say, interesting updates in Casey's personal life recently.
So this isn't your typical replay... there is also some brand new content here to bring you up to speed on Ms. Anthony. Hope you're having a magical holiday season!
Would love to hear your thoughts down below and who you want to hear about in a future video. Love and appreciate you guys so much and I hope you have a great rest of your day!
x o
Bailey Sarian
Also, I sometimes talk about my Good Reads in show. So here's the link if you want to check it out. IDK. lol: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/139701263-bailey
Tik Tok: https://bit.ly/3e3jL9v
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2nbO4PR
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mdZtK6
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Youtube: http://bit.ly/1HGw3Og
Snapchat: https://bit.ly/3cC0V9d
Discord: https://discord.gg/BaileySarian
RECOMMEND A STORY HERE: [email protected]
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Business Related Mail:
Bailey Sarian
4400 W. Riverside Dr., Ste 110-300
Burbank, CA 91505
Today I thought I would repost a fan favorite story... Casey Anthony. Not just because it had the entire country in a fricken choke hold. But also because... there have been some, let's say, interesting updates in Casey's personal life recently.
So this isn't your typical replay... there is also some brand new content here to bring you up to speed on Ms. Anthony. Hope you're having a magical holiday season!
Would love to hear your thoughts down below and who you want to hear about in a future video. Love and appreciate you guys so much and I hope you have a great rest of your day!
x o
Bailey Sarian
Also, I sometimes talk about my Good Reads in show. So here's the link if you want to check it out. IDK. lol: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/139701263-bailey
Tik Tok: https://bit.ly/3e3jL9v
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2nbO4PR
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2mdZtK6
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2yT4BLV
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2mVpXnY
Youtube: http://bit.ly/1HGw3Og
Snapchat: https://bit.ly/3cC0V9d
Discord: https://discord.gg/BaileySarian
RECOMMEND A STORY HERE: [email protected]
Business Related Emails: [email protected]
Business Related Mail:
Bailey Sarian
4400 W. Riverside Dr., Ste 110-300
Burbank, CA 91505