Apr 02 2024 15 mins 3
Our guest, Peter Clement, shares some very valuable financial information for exporters. Peter is the Senior Vice President for International Financing at Rosenthal & Rosenthal, Inc., with Headquarters in New York, New York. Peter specializes in providing expertise in trade finance for international corporations.
Here’s a rhetorical question– what exporter does not need some kind of financial assistance to grow their export program, such as international factoring? Peter walks us through non-bank financing 101 and tell us about the types of options and services they offer.
We had a wonderful discussion. After you’ve listened, we would love for you to share your thoughts and comments, which you can post on the episode page at exportstoriespodcast.com or on our Facebook or LinkedIn pages.
I want to thank Rosenthal & Rosenthal for their sponsorship of today’s podcast.
Thank you very much for listening!